Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Gemini Man.

Compatibility of Libra Woman and Gemini Man

This love match is an ideal one on the astrology chart because of their amazing chemistry. The compatibility of this love match comes from her passion and constant need to be balanced. She will be attracted by his outgoing nature which will gel well with her gregarious nature. He will attract her with his conversational skills and adventurous personality. The only hitch in the relationship is decision making.

It takes awhile for Gemini to settle down with a one and only, which Libra finds a natural state. Libra may think Gemini not serious enough, especially when it comes to "working on the relationship." Libra helps Gemini take the pieces of an idea, and shape it into a viable plan of action. Gemini brings out the playful kid in Libra by being spontaneous. Libra finds it exhilarating to be in the moment with Gemini and lose the self-consciousness.

Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Gemini by the Planet Mercury (Communication). Libra and Gemini work well together; they combine the forces of love and communication. As Libra prizes harmony with their lover almost above all else, Gemini won't be able to indulge their love of a good, hearty debate too often; Libra would rather do almost anything than argue. Libra is more romantic than Gemini, but the sexual harmony is delightful, for neither of you is unduly jealous or demanding. Tolerant Libra seeks to please and tends to view lovemaking as an art at which, of course, you both excel. Creating the right environment for love is very important, however, and a failure to do so on your part will most likely lead to a rapid, though decorous, retreat. But this delightful combination is a perfect match.

Their intimate life reflects their general high spirited personalities.


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