Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Tea flowers

I am obsessed with tea.  I'm pretty sure in my detox blog I expressed my love already.  My family bought me tea back from Tasmania and discovered tea flowers.  Tea flowers are combinations of tea leaves crafted to make a compacted dry flower that expands in water...kinda like those sponges for kids or the stupid frogs that turn into princes...only tea.  I will share with you my little tea flowers journey from "seed" to "bloom".

Japanese green tea. 

Here's what I started with...

They take about 10 minutes to open up in boiling water but here's the finished product...

Pretty commercial asian ones...


Elizabeth J. Neal said...

I'm pretty sure in my detox blog I expressed my love already. My family bought me tea back from Tasmania and discovered tea flowers. send flowers to japan

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