Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, May 17, 2010

Afgan women: This is what religion does

I am watching a very touching television show on ABC at the moment.  It truely is horrific but in reality its life.  This is what religion does to a society.  THIS IS WHAT RELIGION DOES.

Religion is not peace, acceptance or happiness.  There are opportunities for those involved in a religion to find these qualities in religion but the underlining truth is that religion defies morality.  So many fucking contractions.

Lets look at Afganistan, as featured in this television show.  Hundreds of women and children are imprisioned for morality crimes, most while stem from defying their fathers.  One woman ran away from home, fell in love and had sexual relations at 15 and her father took her to court and pressed charges upon her.  She was put in prison and has not been told when she will be released.  Children of these women are also placed in prison with them and although they are cared for; the fact that they are there is so unfair to me.

Women come in to the local hospital due to suicide attempts.  Most are between 15 and 25 and are married.  Two women set themselves on fire to try and free themselves from abusive husbands.  One was married when she was 12, despite the legal marriage age being 16.  Many girls are sold/exchanged and married before they are legally able.  Men dominate the system and women are sold as livestock.  Although there are American troops there trying to make peace, they are full of empty promises for the welfare of women.

You are lucky.
Never forget it!

ABC: 8.30pm


Anonymous said...

american troupes are not there making peace. peace is not the military with their submachine guns making their presence known

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with society.
And the American troops are doing everything BUT promoting peace.

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