Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Peter and I...

This is probably one of the more pathetic posts you will read from me but I do like to blog about joyous things and as materialistic as this may seem pyjama purchases make me extremely happy!

I am a strange type of girl.  I'm a girly girl but I am also more manly than many men I know so hopefully that means i'm balanced both ways - but to the extreme.  I'm not afraid of getting dirty and doing disgusting things, but I am maternal, love shopping and have stupid expensive obsessions.  My most recent properly started one Monday morning when I was watching 'The morning show', whilst eating my perfectly nutritious breakfast and thinking about the coming of summer.  The segment was the new Peter Alexander range - The Australia range.  I looked at some of the stuff and was about to flick over the TV when a very sexy lady strutted out in the most adorable shorts I had ever seen.... and from there it began!

So now I own many items from around 5 of Peter's collections.  All in all I probably have at least 10 pairs of shorts, numerous summer sets, an autumn set, 2 pairs of winter pj pants and a nightie.  My favourite is still my gorgeous Toast set.

So heres some of my collection:


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