Let me introduce you to my new pet hate: Mi Goreng. I have always known that Mi Goreng is bad for you. I have always know that it is full of saturated fat and contains an entire sachet of palm oil. On the occasions that I have eaten Mi Goreng (probably about twice since leavers 07), I have used rice noodles instead of the fried that have come with it.
Yesterday I spoke to a friend who's friend got hospitalised from eating too much Mi gorgeng. I spoke to another friend who's boyfriend's friend got scurvy from poor diet consisting of Mi Goreng and I spoke to numerous others who eat at least 2 packets of Mi Goreng as a snack (other than Fi's friend).
This salty, fatty, noodly "meal" is full of absolute crap. It will be around 60% of a 20 year old female's RDI in salt (and this is for one packet alone)
Let me introduce to you the McDonalds Cheeseburger...
All the badies = less than whats in MiGoreng
There is less fat, less salt and less calories in a slice of dominoes pizza than in mi goreng. Dominoes pizza is considered the highest calorie fast food meal.
Yes yes, the glorious BIG MAC has a larger number of calories with 576 but hey, 2 packs of migoreng = 780 calories... so you really may as well have that big mac.
Mi gorgeng nutritional info...
In conclusion, dont eat it. Well you can if you want but don't get scurvy!
Yes yes, the glorious BIG MAC has a larger number of calories with 576 but hey, 2 packs of migoreng = 780 calories... so you really may as well have that big mac.
Mi gorgeng nutritional info...
I just ate some and I feel sooooo sick. never eating it ever again!
It's 80 cents a pack, what the fuck do you expect? If you are unhappy, buy something else.
You can't get scurvy from a food. You get it by not consuming enough vitamin C. It's your friend's own fault for being retarded and eating nothing but mi goreng. If I eat nothing but tuna (which I don't think has vitamin C in it) I'll get scurvy, but tuna didn't GIVE it to me.
Yeah, I guess that yellowy packet is probably pretty fatty... You could leave it out I guess. I mean, too much of anything is bad no matter what.
I don't know how unlucky you have to be to get maggots in your packet of Mi Goreng. over the years I have polished off probably around 200 serves of Mi Goreng (I used to buy the bulk boxes, each having 40 serves) and i never, not once, found maggots.
also, the person above is right, scurvy is caused by Vitamin C deficiency. in the table above it shows 15% regular daily intake vitamin C, if all that guy ate was Mi Goreng then I'd imagine he was eating 4+ serves a day which is adequate for vitamin C.
Mi Goreng is not meant to replace a meal, it's a snack. just like all instant noodles should be. if you ate it as your primary diet obviously you'll get sick. but that's true of almost anything.
depending on who you are it is a tastey snack and if you dont like it then dont eat it.
He didn't say there was maggots in the food, he was just comparing them to maggots.
look, listen if you have a problem with it then dont fuckin eat it you gronk and a half
576 for the big mac, and another 500 calories for the fries, and wash it down with 1 large coke 310 calories. 1386 calories - I can consume 3.55 packs of Mi Goreng. OK, maybe just three, plus a fried egg just like the photo. Culinary bliss. I think I will go make meself one right now.
Just finished one, there so nice, i used to leave out the oil but the oil makes it taste better, sucks when it's cold though and it freezes to just plain fat lol. Ihave to throw it in the boiling water to melt it down again. Anyway, i don't eat Maccas or mucj of any fast food so i can afford to have a pack of Mi Goreng every once and awhile.
Everything is supposed to be in moderation. It's the same story with McDonalds, you aren't supposed to eat it for every meal. Clearly your friends that have been hospitalised and gotten scurvy are retarded...
hey, listen. we Indonesians never heard any case of obesity CAUSED BY Indomie Goreng! when you get fatten and thought it was because of the mie, think again! maybe the Hungry Jacks need to answer some questions..
Hey there is plenty of shit out there that is full of saturated fats and sodium which IS BAD for you if you consume too much. Just grow a brain and if you don't like it don't eat it. Personally I eat a tub of Mi Goreng Suimin noodles everyday, and they don't make me sick. I also exercise and have a healthy meal at night. To be hospitalised by eating Mi Goreng noodles is total bullshit, unless they were contaminated by something toxic I can't see how, those people were probably already fucked!
Right on Oziam I am with you 100%
Those Suimin Mi goreng cup noodles are the best, better than that packet shit in the pic. I love the chili hit you get!!!!!
If you like Mi Goreng then try the Suimin you will never go back, just open the lid of the cup and add the sachet of fried onion bits and seasoning then open the chili paste and add that, add the hot water so it just covers the top of the noodles by a few cm's swish around until the chili paste is disolved then let sit for 15 mins. Eat and enjoy, drink the broth at the end!!!!! OHHH FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Asians have been eating fried noodles for centuries and how many obese asians do you see?
not very many they are mostly all skinny, so don't blame the small pack of noodles for obesity or illness maybe it's the other crap you eat! Try exercising other than your mouth!
Congratulations, your friend of a friend and your friend of a boyfriend's friend are idiots.
Did you know that my sister's friend's uncle got clinical depression from too much avocados?
clearly, parts of what you're saying isn't true. cool, you have a pet hate, but get the facts right before raging over the internet.
"There is less fat, less salt and less calories in a slice of dominoes pizza than in mi goreng"
yea, because you only ever eat one slice of pizza. (yet you compare it to 2 packs of noodles)
Hahaha shame Mr Australian, not a single supporting comment for you..
i feel like mi goreng now
Dude I'm Australian and I've never ever had a bad pack of Mi Goreng, they're just too good with egg.
All the posts above are pretty much correct, eat in moderation and balance out your food groups.
Go tell your friend to tell her/his friends boyfriend to go sit on a lemon...that might just give an adequate vitamin-c hit.
Way to go Sherlock.. Of course they're bad for you... If you eat a diet consisting of nothing but Mi Goreng noodles! The idea with most fatty foods is that you don't make it your sole source of sustenance.. Grow a brain you fucktard, if your friend got scurvy from eating Mi Goreng, It's their own stupid fault for not consuming enough Vitamin C... You sound like one of those people who live on a diet of McDonalds and Krispy Creme and wonder why they get sick..
I am also Australian, and I have never got a bad packet of Mi Goreng either..Except when I tried another brand.
Also if you're having a whinge about Mi Goreng, maybe you should have a look at the amount of fat in one Krispy Kreme donut (12g) do some research about what goes in your meat to make it look nice and red and the hormones and antibiotics that goes into chicken you get from supermarkets (and wonder why 10 year old girls are developing so early).. Oh and you had better not eat frozen vegetables either, because being grown in Asia, they probably use DDT as pesticide, which is banned in most countries.. With the amount of crap that we don't know about that goes into our food, I think some fatty fried noodles are the least of our worries.. Don't blame the noodles because your friend is a dickhead.
BTW the red colour e22 is made from crushed beetles.
I know Mi Goreng isn't good for you, but neither is beer, McDonald's and this article.
I can't side with you if all your saying is "lol, don't fucking eat it" to my face and not saying much else except that your brother's girlfriend ate it.
My friend told me the powder in the packet which is in the bag is cancerous but I dont know if its true.And sometimes when I eat one pack its salty
but i still eat it
get a life
Mi Goreng is absolutely safe to eat as a snack. Sure it's pretty salty and fatty, but if you're worried about putting on weight you shouldn't be touching this kind of food anyway.
The only gripe I can see anyone having is over the fact that it contains MSG, and even that hasn't been proven to be harmful at the levels provided in this food.
2000 calories a day is a standard adult males RDI for energy (Which is actually the average basal metabolic rate for an adult male, so it would realistically be higher then that). That's only 9000kj (that's right, it's not even OVER 9000!) So two packets of mi goreng is really only a third of that. All of this information is on the back of the packets - which everyone should be reading. Saturated fat is only a third of your RDI, and none of it is transfatty acids.
This article can suck a huge donkey dick, it was written by someone who is clearly an annorexic with no education whatsoever. The only valid points about mi goreng that it FAILED TO EVEN MENTION are: 1) It uses palm oil, now while the article mentions that it contains oil, it only does so for the purpose of saying 'OMFG, like, so much saturated fat right!' It completely skips the fact that the companies who produce the palm oil do so by cutting down rainforests. As for 2) well practically all of the carbs (which make up half of the total energy in a packet) are simple carbohydrates, which, where ever possible you want to try and avoid - if you don't like body fat. If you eat mi goreng and only mi goreng sure you might get scurvy, but that applies to any carb based meal.
Eat mi goreng - it's not bad for you - might pack on the kilos if you don't get out though.
sitting here reading up on the spicy snack i am consuming funny to read this it is obviously not a food to eat alot of regularly but neither is a cheese burger..
my mouth is still sizzling with delight as i finish my paragraph.
mix tuna in there,pack it on buthaaa jail styles
Oh man the OP is getting decimated.
Mi Goreng probably has the best taste to price ratio of any food ever made. Two packs after a big night are pure bliss BUT as with all things sacriligiously delicious, one should enjoy sparingly.
Anyone who is ignorant enough to suffer from malnutrition because of a poor diet deserves to have their teeth fall out from scurvy.
Have your fast food and your noodles... eat a whole stick of butter from time to time... anyone can splurge occasionally as long as it is within reason. If you eat 4 times more veggies than protein daily, avoid simple carbs, and do 4 intense sessions of cardio supplemented by weight training per week then you can have your noodles occasionally. I don't think a nutritionist alive could convince anyone otherwise.
i NEVER use my chili sauce :)
lmfao... Anonymous + free speach = flame wars everywhere aaaaaaaaaaah
Does the OP even know what they're talking about? Scurvy takes 3 months to set in, I'm pretty sure tomato sauce on a quarter pounder would stave it off.
In closing, Mi Goreng is a perfectly fine meal substitute for a while. It's also delicious and sustains millions of Asian people, and if it's good enough for them it's plenty good for Australians.
Mi Goreng FTW!
I just took a massive dump, the most watery, instant and sloshy dump I have ever taken. Mi Goreng saved my life. I ate 5 packets and I felt much better.
I am 165kg and I eat mi goreng, mc donalds, deep fried chicken, dominos. Do you see me complaining?
i just managed to eat 7 packs in one sitting and now your telling me its bad for u omg!!! wat is the world coming to if u r a 200kg dude u should be able to eat watever u want right???
typical australians...*sigh* well what do you expect from spawn of convict stock
lol dude you got owned, shouldn't post ever again, btw I'm eating a pack of mie goreng now... gonna stop me? ;)
err.. pretenders.
hahah...this post has made my day....and also made me quite hungry. :P my boyfriend eats 2 packs of mi goreng for lunch 4 days a week, he has footy training twice a week and plays footy on sundays. And he hasn't died so far...so if you're going to complain about something, at least have an actual argument behind it.
im eating them now, a lil upset it dusnt have much flavor this time. Anywho, Lol, MI GORENG ARE FINE TO EAT, its just like a chocolate bar, u just have to keep it in moderation, and to get hospitalised for eating mi goreng, thats prob cuZ he replaced every food in his diet with it, hey banans are healthy but if thats all ya ate ud end.up in the hospital too, lol
Mi Goreng is a great food to eat. Yes indeed with the fat oil and salt but i never got sick from eating it !! .. its just as much as i can handle... most ive eaten is 6 packets. . and ive got it on youtube. my average feed from it is atleast 4. .. and as if u dont like it. maybe ur just a hater after all there are more people who like Mi Goreng than those who dont like it. it's food neitherless so appreciate.
buuuuuut i like it :3
Just because you think big macs are glorious, doesn't mean everyone feel the same way. I think Big mac taste like shit and cost almost 5 times as much as a pack of Mi Goreng.
Only an idiot would go with your suggestion and pay that 4 dollars for something that pretty does the same thing as mi goreng.
Successful troll is successful.
If Mi Goreng was that bad, Indonesians would either be (a) fatties or (b) dead. Last time I checked, Indonesia was full of people of normal weight, or maybe a bit skinny at worst. Definitely no fatty boom bahs in Jakarta, that's for sure...
i don't know about you guys but i'm constantly eating 3-4 packets of migoreng every few days as midnight snack. bene doing it for years, the shit tastes awesome ;3
Oh Pssht.
Are you serious?
The packets in my town are like 70 cents. What else could you expect?
I love Mi Goreng, I eat it quite alot, however I don't act like an uneducated idiot and replace my propper meals with Mi goreng.
Common sence, if you eat to much of one thing, it'll make you sick.
None the less, I love mi goreng.I most likely always will.
If you don't like it, don't eat it.
Maybe educate you're friends on how to eat properly? Maybe start with the Food pyrimid? Ha.
We are all aware of what our bodies are consuming when we eat this product, It's our choice to eat it.
Congratulations, you have SUCCESSFULLY offended Asians (me included) with your ignorant blog.
A lot of poor people in Indonesia depend on instant noodles to survive and Indomie goreng happens to be the most popular. But even they know how bad it is but couldn't help not eating it as sparsely because hey, sometimes you just can't afford to buy ingredients for a healthier meal. But they don't eat it every day wtf and I cannot believe how idiotic someone have got to be to be hospitalized for eating too much mi goreng. What, do they earn less than US$1 per day or something? Just more cases of people who knows nothing of proper diet and nutrition. Since you care so much about nutrition and food, you should've taught them how to eat properly yourself.
Don't blame the food, blame yourself for being such an uneducated twat. Learn to have more self-control of your temptations.
BTW, Indonesians' diet consists of lots of vegetables (because, in case if you don't know, they're MUCH cheaper to buy than meat) with little meat. You're like saying that Asians are stupid for eating instant noodles and that we should all be obese by now.
This is what I hate coming out from someone who's been having more comfortable and cushioned lives than the population in third world countries. Someone who doesn't understand the importance and implications of instant noodles for poor people. And these people do a much better job at regulating and understanding their own diet than your friends ever will.
You have a passion for life, nutrition, food and beautiful places? I don't find any passion with your views in life, nutrition and food that's for sure. Someone who's passionate about those things would've had more RESPECT and actually do more research towards anything relating to them.
Eating 2 packs right now. i love you mi-goreng.
woah woah 80cents and 70cents woah so expensive ;) here is like 55cent :3 haha .. get this straight if you dont like it DONT FRIGGIN EAT IT! why you being so dumb for ?!?!
Lik-a-som-boad-ee this isa Buk Lau I maka da noodle for da mi goreng and i let you know that the secret ingrediant is...animal semen...buk buk buk lauuu lik-a-some-booooOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOoad-eeeeee
i love migoreng . lol im doing my report on it now ><
I'd like to be the voice of reason here. This is a blog, not a public forum and the OP has just as much right to say whatever he wants as everyone else does to comment on it if he chooses to allow them.
The OP provided some interesting facts that I found fascinating because I had Googled MiGoreng because I happened to be eating it and was discussing it on IRC with a friend. I had no idea it was almost as bad for you as a Big Mac. I just spent a couple of months living in Thailand and before that Vietnam, and instant noodles were a large part of my diet. I'm not particularly thin and I lost a number of kilos in Thailand due to my diet of pretty much nothing but instant noodles mixed with a little bit of pork roll every day, as I had little spare money while I was there.
Thank you to the OP for your interesting facts, and I liked your anecdotal evidence of your two friends who became sick due to eating nothing but MiGoreng, however I think all the commenters are drawing the wrong conclusions. He wasn't saying that MiGoreng on its own CAUSED scurvy, just that if you eat nothing but that, it could have that effect on you.
As it happens I drink plenty of juice, and I spend a lot of time walking to save money on transport, so MiGoreng or indeed any other instant noodles had no particular ill effects on me despite consuming nothing but that for a while.
It's easy to hate on people in comment boxes, but I think if you people thought about it rationally you'd realise that he's just trying to raise awareness of the unhealthiness of this particular brand and style of instant noodle, and I appreciate that. If he used some extreme examples it's because that's what they were - extreme examples of what could potentially happen to you. Is he trying to say that that will happen to ANYONE who ever eats a packet of MiGoreng ? Of course not.
Maybe considering having some perspective and thinking before you flame the poster. It's his blog and he can have whatever opinions he wants. No need to attack him personally and call him a retard or whatever. And to the person who said he personally insulted all Asians - are you fucking nuts ? He's talking about instant noodles. In what way did he POSSIBLY insult Asian people ? Jesus, you guys take shit way too seriously. It's just a little rant of his on a particular subject he was passionate about on one particular day.
Get some bloody perspective before you go screaming abuse at him. Oh and for what it's worth, I just enjoyed a packet of the specific MiGoreng he was talking about and frankly, I think they're pretty bloody average. There are far nicer noodles available (though not necessarily in Australia, sadly). I recommend a trip to your local Asian grocer to try some of the better brands and styles of noodles. And his point is valid... if you care about your heath - look at the nutritional information on the packet and decide for yourself how often you should be eating them.
But hey, flaming is fun, isn't it ? It's fun to hate on people on the internet. Doesn't make you right or a better person though.
No, it's not only fun but responsible to call out ignorant people who report on a stupid claim with no proper evidence/facts. Misleading.
I don't mean to piss in your shit, but I think you're ripping a bit hard on Mi Goreng.
I eat Mi Goreng probably twice a week on average and I don't think it's "bad". It's definitely not good for you - I'll agree with that - but if you just treat it like a recreational drug, you should be fine.
I'm aware this blog is your opinion. Basically, the reason I'm writing this comment is, I have a friend like you who has phases of hating whatever is hot topic and I get pretty G'd up pretty fast when I see this type of stuff.
By the way, as an amateur nutritionist, you should probably educate your friend on the dangers of Mi Goreng.
P.S. Do a thing on MSG specifically.
LOL @ me, and everyone else that commented 2 years after the relevance, the company started putting vitamin supplements into thier product to combat the fact that yes there really is no nutritional value, whats sadder than Mi Goreng noodles (Im eating some atm) is any page that goes on for an unlimited amount of posts, therefore 2 years later people are still replying to a post 2 years later and that no-one really ever scrolls this far down the page =D
What's even sadder is that the comments section is filled with people aggressively defending a product loaded with palm oil.
Mi Goreng is not going to kill you and it's not going to make you fat, but it's also massive empty calories and a big dose of sat. fats and sodium with no real nutritional benefit. The fact that people rely upon it as a staple food because they're impoverished is a tragedy, not a defense. The fact that it might taste good is irrelevant to the original post's point. In other words, two years and endless invective later, they're still right.
Weird how defensive people become over the food they're accustomed to eating.
Just because this persons friends are too stupid to take care of themselves doesn't mean this product is the work of the devil. Any type of food consumed excessively will have negative effects on your health.
Make them properly and they taste the best. Who cares if they are unhealthy.
I love migoreng <3 just had some with chicken pieces ahaha
I am watching a food doco on ten (home sick from work) so I googled mi goreng because I CBF getting up to actually cook some, and found this site, my god I want mi gorengs so bad.
They're a piece of shit nutritionally (like easy mac) but they are easy to make, and if your girlfriend isnt home you can eat it straight from the saucepan! no washing up! win!
I love how this blog has been completely destroyed how hate comments. HAHAHAHA. That's what you get for going against Mi Goreng. When I get home, I'm going to make me two packets with an egg. Good day sir.
Instant noodles, whatever the brand (there are so many brands) are only to be eaten when you are in a hurry, you don't have enough time to cook proper food, and NOT for continuous regular meals. People should be intelligent enough to see that. If you eat it everyday, then you ust be dumb. Even dumber if you eat it just like that, the noodles and its sachets only. You must have eyes to see the illustration on the pack, it will become nutritious only if you put extras in there, i.e. vegetables, eggs or meat. It is so clear in the picture, only very dumb person can not see that. Next time you eat instant noodles, do not forget to add vegetables, pieces of meat or eggs. And do not eat it on a daily basis, occasionally only.
Mi Goreng is Fucking the best!!!! I practiclly live on the stuff and never gotten sick. Its so cheap and after 2 packets i feel full and satisfied. Also when Drinking it Tasts 100 times better. Just for you i am going to go and cook 2 packets and eat them ASAP
I use my urine as soup
My fried onions is my poo poo
hahahaha... a good promotional campaign for mie goreng company.. but yeah, its bloody hell delicious!!! once a week is enough but its so attempting.. :(
The Op's hospitalized friend probably mixed cocaine with Mi Goreng because they thought the powder was too salty lmao.
sohorny, i just had sex with my instant noodles packaging, hotttttttt.
Is eating mi goreng and orange juice , with soy, chilli sauce plus pepper and vegetables any good? Cause IM starting to fade awa.........
The phrase ' best thing since sliced bread ' should be replaced with the best thing since mi goreng! It is the shit! No wonder people get so passionate.
Where in the uk can I get suimin mi goreng?
"hospitalised from eating too much Mi gorgeng." "friend who's boyfriend's friend got scurvy from poor diet consisting of Mi Goreng and I spoke to numerous others who eat at least 2 packets of Mi Goreng as a snack"
I lost brain cells from this post. If you're going to diss something, spell it right. I'm sure most comments have pointed out the rest of your mistakes. Also, *whose.
I have to go now and make me some mi goreng! Have a nice day.
When I eat mi goreng i become suicidally depressed for a day or so. No kidding. They fuck with my brain. I have reached this conclusion from numerous trial and error experiments. It's almost worth for the absolute taste sensation they elicit. Im building a padded room to lock myself in after a mi goreng binge. Simply irresistable. Mi goreng to the death! Yeeeeew! Saucy goodness!
Woah, such a way with words. I think some of you people need to go back to school and learn how to speak decently to each other. Nobody asked to be degraded. The way in which some of you people speak is disgusting. However there is always going to be that "Drongo" mentality i suppose.
tl;dr there are a great many things in the world which will screw you over if you're not careful, most of which are far worse than Mi goreng.
Go bash on HFCS soft drinks instead, you'll piss off less people AND get your guaranteed daily serve of self-righteousness.
i just wanted to post a comment- but i am pro mie goreng and anit scurvy
This makes me hungry, I want some mi goreng now
Drink my load and be merry.
i like dick
Holy shit, I am a boxer and have been eating Mi Goreng noodles since I was 9 years old, I'm now 18 and still eat about 6-7 packs a week and am 100% healthy. Whoever your "friend of a friend" is, or "friends boyfriends friend" must have some issues, they are meant for a snack and not to be eaten in place of a propper meal.
... and the thread is STILL ALIVE!
Long live Mie Goreng!!!
On a side note, my bloody local Asian supermarket increased the price for the 30pack box to $15!!! :(
Who eats Mi Goreng because they want to? I sometimes survive off it because I HAVE TO. 1 in 7 Australians are living in poverty. Open your eyes people.
Mi Goreng > OP
OP just salty that Mi Goreng has less salt than he/she has.
Fucken hardcase oi oi oi
Quite interesting that some of these comments contain aggression. Then again most humans are terrified of dying and bent on survival. Therefore, what happens if someone is told that an ingredient of their lifestyle has lethal consequences or diminishes the quality of life? Try the experiment. Tell someone today that something they do on a daily basis is killing them. So many things to choose from in this extraordinarily unhealthy "civilization": animal carcasses, sugar, salt, work, electric appliances... and why not be terrified of dying when you have never ever worked on your soul.
look at all this hate,everyone should just go vegan, eggs? Why would u want to eat something that comes out of a chickens arsehole? and mie gorengs r made with a whiole bunch of preservatives. And u guys dont know what they r doing to get palm oil? The animals killed for that oil? Come on!!! I thought this article was decent, u uneducated bogans, go get a brain and some compassion!
I literally just ate a packet.
here's a tip. you think having it with an egg is good add some bacon and boom! you got your self breakfast meegoreng lol - with that said, everythinn in moderation. all this post is good for is the comments. hilarious comments! becareful OP there are a lot of indomie Meegoreng lovers world wide, especially in Australia. it breaks down cultural barriers and brings people together. its for those who don't know how to cook, making them feel like instachefs. it gives them a sense of achievement knowing that, even though they are the worst cook in the world, that there is a way to make a delicious, fulfilling meal in under 5 minutes, 10 minuets with a fried egg. and those who are broke and are able to purchase 40 packets of noodles that will last them 2 weeks for under 20 dollars. So be careful where you poke your stick. we meegoreng lovers are like a band of brothers, and we don't take kindly to those who don't take kindly.
I literally wanted to know the comparison of mi goreng to a cheeseburger, so thanks for posting lol.
YARR I set sail from the Indonesian isles wit' me crew, stocked to the topsail with locally produced Mi Goreng and me whole crew got scurvy, yarr
i am starving to death i am eating mi goreng
But I like mi goreng:( I don't believe it.
looking at this website cuz i ate mi goreng 7 hours ago and it completely destroyed my appetite and now i feel like ima bout to vomit, on christmas eve... this is bull...
I googled mi goreng gives you diarrhoea and found this blog. I eat mi goreng once a week because it tastes fantastic but I get terrible diarrhoea every time. I’m addicted to the stuff.
Who fckng eats 1 slice pizza?don't breed please...majority of fat people are whites...stick to ur pies and sausages...
My friend consume 5packets and hs a body builder....
calories arent bad for you, you stupid cunt, the only reason you wouldnt want calories is if you are trying to loose weight, you completly stupid stupid bitch
Exactly 💯
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