Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blog 1

So I created this blog about 6 months or more ago and have still never actually made a post.  I've had many blogs in the past, mainly because of my former dreams to become a wealthy successful journalist until I realised that

1. freshman journalists are poor for a looooong time until they have a big break which may never happen.

2. I want to change, help and inspire people and what I write may change someone but i'll never really know.

3. Writing is a way of expressing myself and I don't enjoy formatting my passionate rants to suit particular audiences.

4. The media = somewhat evil and deceptive at times.

As under age teenage drinkers are seeking sexual partners, eating Mi goreng and trying so desperately to get fucked up off goon, I've spent a lot of time reminiscing about past times that seemed fun at the time but will always be remembered for their "uniqueness"....and possibly also for their awfulness.  Eating chicken kickers out of a girl's mouth, watching your friend squat to take a piss and get a stick in her ass, burning someone with a cigarette, tripping over your drunk friend who passed out behind a log one camping trip, when it was cool to meet private school kids at Claremont HJs, spending endless days in a park with a fucking special boy, tucking my dress into my underwear and standing at a bus stop, and when you try to piss out a caravan window.  These are some among the many I was giggling to myself about and no matter how terrible they were at the time its great having them to remember.  I'm hoping that tonight there are many many people out there making complete asses of themselves so that they can also look back and lol :)

I dont have much to say but thought i'd at least make a post.

Once I troll old PC there will be much better images here :)

Memorable quotes:

"Twisties- cheesy msg goodness"
"And we shall have a pet cat thats black with a white spot....and called 'dandruff'"
"You can't get sunburnt when its over cast because the clouds don't let the rays through"
"Mikes morgue - You kill em, we chill em"
"Its because I'm so fucking ladsy"
"Nigger PLOX"
"Love you pretttttty"
"Kekekekekekeke gogogogogoggogogoggo"
"You're burning me with your cigarette and it looks like its hurting me..oi...bitch...oi...OI MIRANDA"
"I'll bash you"
"Yeah my whole family works at chicken treat....except for my sister"
"You'll shit for a week"
"Eat the food dick"
"Its probably the coolest thing i've ever done"
" I have a stick in my fucking ass"
"Yeh from behind he looks like a 30 year old guy dating a 15 year old.... you may have to grow"
"Stove top head"
"at the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame time"
"Didi Mao"


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